Glazed-in trickle vent with passive temperature sensing flow control
The Ventient EcoSmart Breathe (ESB) is precision manufactured aluminium glazed-in trickle vent that can be accommodated into a wide range of window frames.
The Ventient passive shape memory technology, without electric power, sensors or human intervention, automatically controls ventilation flow dependent on ambient temperatures, optimising the benefits of passive ventilation.
Improvements in construction create buildings that are more airtight than previously, with the result that infiltration or leakiness is no longer providing a pathway for make-up air for exhaust systems.
Although many buildings are complying with building code requirements by having sufficient operable windows, changing lifestyle patterns, concerns about noise and security and generational differences mean that ventilation from open windows tends to be infrequent.
Unlike conventional systems such as operable windows or louvres, Proctor Ventient ESB can get on with the job of providing fresh air circulation regardless of occupancy.
As part of the total ventilation system, Proctor Ventient can provide continuous ventilation to spaces even if they are unoccupied and is perfect for student accommodation, hotels, age care, healthcare and educational facilities.
Ventient is an ideal solution for residential buildings such as modern airtight homes and medium or high rise developments, as modern lifestyles mean that occupants are unable to manage purge ventilation and often return home to a stuffy environment.

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The Ventient ESB is installed into the glazing pocket of the frame in accordance with the product installation guide.
Exhaust Make-up in Lieu of Supply
Where it is not possible to meet the code requirements for natural ventilation, or where the design preference is for a specific air change rate and 24 hour provision of fresh outside air without leaving windows open, Ventient, in conjunction with low energy, mechanical extract ventilation can provide or contribute to supply ventilation as required when calculated in accordance with AS1668.2.
General Exhaust Make-Up Air
AS1668.2 draws to the attention of designers that increased air-tightness of modern buildings requires consideration of sources of make-up air. Make-up air drawn through gaps and service penetrations does not meet the requirements of Clause 2.3 within the standard and can lead to the loss of amenity in the enclosure.
Ventient ESB could be an acceptable permanent natural ventilation opening as required in Clause 2.3.