
A single skin masonry wall externally insulated with a foil faced rigid thermoset PIR insulation protected by a rainscreen cladding supported by the Nvelope engineered helping hand sub-framing system. The insulation is mechanically fixed directly to the exterior face of the masonry, with minimal thermal bridging, and must be taped and sealed to form a continuous air, vapour and water control layer. As the PIR insulation is deemed combustible, this solution is never recommended for type A or B non-combustible wall construction.
Section J (NCC 2019) R-Value Calculator

DCT PIR Silver insulation is a general application thermoset PIR insulation board with two low emissivity foil facings, suited for use in non-exposed floor, roof, wall and ceiling applications in residential and commercial buildings.
The insulation shall be DCT PIR Silver […mm] polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam panel with minimum compressive strength of 120 kPa. DCT PIR Silver polyisocyanurate insulation board is manufactured under licence for DCTech.
Nvelope Rainscreen Back Framing simplifies the complexity of modern building facades using a unique ‘helping hand’ bracketing system which is fixed to the substrate at set vertical and horizontal separations. Suitable for the most demanding facade materials, our range of Nvelope brackets, rails and rainscreen support systems are safe, economic and effective.
DCT Nvelope engineered helping hand sub framing system for mechanical & concealed fixation of cladding panels. Manufactured from 6005a-T5 extruded Aluminium to AS/NZS 1866:1997. Engineered to AS/NZS 1664.1-1997 and compliance to section BP1.1(a),(b)(i)&(iii) from 2019 NCC Volume One for relevant project wind loads. Suitable for use in C1-C5 corrosive zones as defined in AS 4312-2008 & AS/NZS 2312-2014.