
Timber frame wall with a rigid sheathing board made water and air tight by the self-adhered vapour permeable ProctorPassive Wraptite SA, externally insulated with a non-combustible DCT VulcanWool stonewool insulation, protected by a lightweight cladding on battens. The insulation is mechanically fixed to the sheathing board with minimal thermal bridging, to form a continuous external insulation layer. Additional insulation within the frame would only be considered having assesed condensation risk.
Section J (NCC 2019) R-Value Calculator

ProctorPassive Wraptite Self Adhesive (SA) is a light duty class 4 vapour permeable membrane for wall and roof applications, functioning as a water and air barrier in one innovative vapour permeable self-adhering product.
Self-adhered wall wrap / roof sarking shall be ProctorPassive Wraptite SA Class 4 vapour permeable membrane, compliant to AS/NZS 4200,1:2017 standards, applied to the roof or wall substrate in accordance with the product user guide. AS4200.1:2017 Classifications: Light Duty; Water Barrier; Class 4 Vapour Permeable; Air barrier; Non-conductive; Non-reflective; Vapour Permeance to ASTM E96(B) no less than 4.0µg/N.s, AS1530.2 Flammability Index ≤ 5, Thickness ≤ 1.0mm. ProctorPassive Wraptite SA utilises a full coverage highly vapour permeable non-solvent based adhesive, is free of red list chemicals and is a Passive House Institute phA certified component. Class 3 Limited Vapour Permeable products do not comply with this specification.
DCT Vulcanwool is a non-combustible high-density mineral rock fibre stonewool insulation for use internally or as an external grade insulation with water shedding characteristics, designed for use in ventilated rainscreen facades and other thermal and acoustic wall, roof, floor, and ceiling applications in residential and commercial buildings.