Thermax Heavy Duty™ thermal insulation distributed by DCTech has a glass-fibre reinforced polyisocyanurate (PIR) thermoset foam core faced with 4.0 mil embossed white acrylic-coated aluminium on one side and 1.25 mil embossed aluminum on the other side. The surfaces makes it a durable choice for use in moderate-impact areas.
Thermax Heavy Duty™ PIR thermal insulation can be installed exposed to the interior without a thermal barrier and can be pressure washed up to 2,000 psi with a 15-degree or greater spray tip. Thermax Heavy Duty™ PIR rigid sheathing is designed as an thermal insulation and interior finish system for walls in metal, wood post frame and concrete or masonry buildings.
Thermax Heavy Duty™ PIR thermal insulation offers high, long-term R-Values. The aluminium facers help prevent water and water vapour intrusion into the PIR insulation foam core, and allow the foam to stabilise at a higher R-Value. Used in conjunction with the appropriate joint closure system for the application, Thermax Heavy Duty™ PIR thermal insulation with its low perm rating helps to reduce moisture condensation within and behind the insulation.
- High-impact interior finish system for walls in metal, wood post frame, and concrete or masonry buildings
- Low perm rating helps to reduce moisture condensation within and behind the insulation
- Thermax Heavy Duty™ PIR thermal insulation can be installed exposed to the interior without a thermal barrier
- High, long term retained R-Values
Specification Clause – Soffit
Dow Thermax Heavy Duty™ Soffit Board should be described in Specifications as:–
The soffit insulation supplied by Dynamic Composite Technologies shall be modified PIR (Polyisocynurate) Dow Thermax Heavy Duty™ Soffit Board ____mm thick CFC/HCFC–free, rigid modified PIR thermoset insulation core with autohesively bonded 35 micron embossed pure foil facings on both sides, conforming to AS fire tests, AS1530–3, AS3837 Group Classification 1, ISO 9705 Group 1 (25mm), FM 4880, manufactured to the highest standards under quality control systems approved to ASTM C1289-02 by Dow Insulation Limited and shall be applied in accordance with the instructions issued by them.

Nominal Thickness to R-Value Dow Thermax Heavy Duty™ @ 23.88°C (75°F) aged for 90 days |
Nominal Thickness mm |
Lambda/K Value/Thermal Conductivity |
R Value |
13 | 0.022 | 0.6 |
25 | 0.022 | 1.2 |
38 | 0.022 | 1.7 |
51 | 0.022 | 2.3 |
57 | 0.022 | 2.6 |
64 | 0.022 | 2.9 |