The Old Kid on the Block
The Proctorpassive Wraptite SA has been around in Australia for almost a decade, and still nothing comes close.
ProctorPassive Wraptite has been supplied in Australia since 2012 and combines the best properties of a vapour permeable membrane and self-adhesive water and air barrier in one innovative self-adhering product. The product does not require specialist contractors to achieve a vigorous result and minimises the use of additional tapes and sealants due to it’s fast installation process. Check out the first job from the early days.
Wraptite SA utilizes a patented full coverage air permeable adhesive to provide unsurpassed vapour permeability in a commercial quality, self-adhered, water-resistant vapour permeable membrane. Wraptite SA’S high vapour permeability allows sheathing to dry quickly and moisture to escape. This ensures good indoor air quality by reducing the likelihood of mould, mildew, condensation, timber distortion and metal corrosion.

Wraptite SA should be installed in accordance with the supplied installation guide, also available for download via the form. Wraptite SA fully bonds without mechanical attachments to most substrates for ease of installation, requiring minimal use of sealants or tapes.
Looking for some lockdown bedside reading? Contact us here for a hard copy of the Installation guide.

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