A single skin masonry wall externally insulated with a non-combustible DCT VulcanWool insulation, protected by a rainscreen cladding supported by the Nvelope engineered helping hand sub-framing system. The insulation is mechanically fixed directly to the exterior face of the masonry with minimal thermal bridging, to form a continuous insulation layer. As the stonewool insulation is deemed non-combustible per AS 1530.1, this solution is recommended for type A or B non-combustible wall construction.

By |2023-08-12T23:48:40+10:00August 30th, 2020|Comments Off on DCT-W07-2 EXTERNALLY INSULATED RAINSCREEN MASONRY WALL (DCT VULCANWOOL)


Our systems include a wide range of internally and externally insulated masonry, CLT, steel and timber framed structures including many non-combustible, passive house, rainscreen and continuous insulation wall types.

By |2020-09-16T20:23:07+10:00June 2nd, 2020|Comments Off on Walls

ProctorPassive Wraptite SA

ProctorPassive Wraptite SA combines the best properties of a vapour permeable membrane and a self adhesive water and air barrier in one innovative self-adhering product. Wraptite SA utilizes a patented full coverage air permeable adhesive to provide unsurpassed vapour permeability in a commercial quality, self-adhered, water resistant vapour permeable membrane

By |2024-09-19T13:35:45+10:00June 1st, 2020|Comments Off on ProctorPassive Wraptite SA

ProctorPassive Wraptite UV-SA

ProctorPassive Wraptite UV-SA combines all the best properties of a UV resistant vapour permeable water and air barrier membrane in one innovative self-adhering product designed for use behind open jointed cladding. Wraptite UV-SA utilises a patented full coverage vapour permeable adhesive to provide high vapour permeability.

By |2024-09-19T13:24:03+10:00June 1st, 2020|Comments Off on ProctorPassive Wraptite UV-SA


A single skin masonry wall externally insulated with a foil faced rigid thermoset PIR insulation protected by a rainscreen cladding supported by the Nvelope engineered helping hand sub framing system. The insulation is mechanically fixed directly to the exterior face of the masonry, with minimal thermal bridging, and must be taped and sealed to form a continuous air, vapour and water control layer. As the PIR insulation is deemed combustible, this solution is never recommended for type A or B non-combustible wall construction.

By |2023-08-15T15:24:30+10:00May 28th, 2020|Comments Off on DCT-W07-1 EXTERNALLY INSULATED RAINSCREEN MASONRY WALL (PIR)