va-Q-vip is an evacuated micro porous thermal insulating panel with excellent insulating properties developed specifically for insulation applications where not much space is available but a high thermal resistance is necessary.

- VA-Q-FLOOR Fva-Q-floor F can be used in buildings in accordance with application areas interior applications for ceilings, walls, floors, flat roofs, top floor ceilings, exterior insulation behind panelling and insulation in wood frame construction.VA-Q-VIPva-Q-vip is an evacuated micro porous thermal insulating panel with excellent insulating properties. The core material of va-Q-vip is fumed Silica board and non-combustible. It is sealed into a high gas barrier film under vacuum.VA-Q-VIP Bva-Q-vip B is a vacuum insulation panel for construction applications. va-Q-vip B is covered with a high barrier film and an additional black glass fibre textile for mechanical shock protection. The core itself is non-combustible (Fire class A1 in Europe).VA-Q-VIP-Fva-Q-vip F is a vacuum insulation panel for construction applications. The core itself is non-combustible (fire class A1 in Europe), va-Q-vip F is inflammable (Construction materials class DIN 4102-B2).